sapar sapar, Yusuf Qamaruddin


The long term goal of this research is to increase the ability of cocoa farmers. This research is expected to improve the productivity of cocoa in order to increase the farmers’ prosperity economically, socially and culturally. The performance of Agricultural instructor has an impact on the performance of farmers in producing cocoa. This Agricultural instructor performance focused on how to solve the problems faced by the farmers of cocoa. Meanwhile, the specific goals to be achieved in this study are: to know the factor that affecting the performance of Agricultural instructor to improve the productivity of cocoa farmers in Palopo, so that the ability of cocoa farmers in farming could be increased. The unit of analysis of the research is the Agricultural instructor with 111 populations. Based on the Slovin’s formula with an error rate of 5%, the researcher took 87 Agricultural instructors as the samples. Samples were taken by Proportional Random Sampling, the samples consist of Telluwanua (14 people), Bara (9 people), Wara North (10 people), Wara (11people), West Wara (9 people), East Wara (9 people) South Wara (9 people ), Mungkajang (7 people) and Sendana (9 people). The method applied in this research is a survey method by making the questionnaire as the main instrument in collecting data. Data collected were analyzed using multiple regressions with SPSS 21.0. The results of the research indicates that age -0.018 have an impact on the Agricultural instructor performance, while formal education is -0.032, technical training is 0.061, work experience is 0.111, job location is -0.756, work areas is -0.012, the number of assisted farmers is -0.082 and interaction with farmers is 0.045. This research concluded that age, formal education, technical training, work experience, work areas, the number of assisted farmers and interaction with assisted farmers were not statistically affected the performance of Agricultural instructor, but the location of jobs affected the performance of agricultural instructor. Therefore, the researcher suggests to the leader of Agricultural instructor to pay more attention to these factors, especially the job location of instructor.

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