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The implementation of system within government organization to support information needed by all management level in order to make decision. The point of a tool used to achieve government goal in giving financial information as a part of the management information system of local government, so in this research focus on the role of Regional Information System toward government organization how the SI success is applied in practice. This study aims to evaluate whether the SI was successful and have a positive impact toward user satisfaction and impact on individual by using model of DeLone and McLean (1992). This research use path analysis form. By the sampling method is purposive random sampling is a sampling method based on the certain criteria. While in testing validity and reliability on the result of preliminary testing, is conducted by PLS 4.0 program. The result shows that of the five hypotheses which are built in this research there are four hypotheses that can be accepted: (1) Quality of system significance has positive effect toward user satisfaction. (2) Information quality has significant effect on user satisfaction; (3) Information quality has effect directly and indirectly in positive significantly on impact individual; (4) User satisfaction has significant positive effect toward impact individual. While one of hypothesis is rejected namely the quality of system has effect not significant directly or indirectly on impact individual. The quality of system, by the employees does not give motivation effect because they more focus on quality information is produced regardless the form of quality of the existing system.

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