Islahuddin Islahuddin, Muhammad Ilyas, Fahrul Basir, Sitti Fawziah Amini


The type of this research is experiment research that aims to know (1) critical thinking ability and habits of mind (striving for accuracy) before and after implementation of problem based learning at students’ class VIII MTs Neegeri Kota Palopo, (2) critical thinking ability and habits of mind (striving for accuracy) before and after implementation of conventional learning at students’ class VIII MTs Neegeri Kota Palopo, (3) the different of improvement critical thinking ability between students’ learned by problem based learning and conventional learning. The design researched that used was pretest-posttest design. Experimental unit of this research are the whole students class VIII academic year 2017/2018 that contained nine class. Sampling method that used is purposive sampling. Class VIIIE as a experimental class and Class VIIID as a control class. The result are (1) questionnare of habits of mind (striving for accuracy) result at experimental class after implementation of problem based learning is at student category, (2) questionnare of habits of mind (striving for accuracy) result at control class after implementation of conventional learning is at student category, (3) there was different of critical thinking average improvement between students at class VIIIE taught by problem based learning and students at class VIIID taught by conventional learning.

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