Yuharsono Yuharsono


The purpose of this study was to (1) produce a mathematical learning device for social arithmetic materials with realistic mathematical approaches and cooperative learning models type STAD in class VII, in terms of validity, practicality, effectiveness and knowing the potential effects arising from the development of these learning tools. (2) describe the characteristics of the learning tools of social arithmetic materials with realistic mathematical approaches and STAD type learning models in class VII. This research method is a development research with a 4-D development model according to Thiagarajan and Semmel. The development stages are define, design, develope and disseminate or adapt to the 4-P model, namely definition, conflict, development and dissemination. The subjects of this study were students of class VII.1 and VII.2 of State Junior High School 1 Pitumpanua in the even semester of 2017/2018 academic year which consisted of 61 students consisting of 29 students of class VII.1 and 32 students of class VII.2. Data collection techniques used are documentation, observation sheets, test results and student responses. The data of this study were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of data analysis are known to produce a mathematical learning device for social arithmetic materials with a realistic approach and a valid, practical and effective type STAD cooperative learning model. The learning device is valid in content, construct, and language as a result of expert validation in the expert review stage and tests the prototype at the small group stage, while practical learning tools from the results of trial 1 to the 4th trial, the potential effects of this learning device are known from student pre-test and post-test results. The post-test results of students in the first experimental class showed a good value of 17.24%, 75.86% good and enough 3.45%. From the observations that have been made, obtained the average percentage of student activity above 92.6% which belongs to the good category, while the average teacher's ability to manage learning is 4.48 is very high and 92.19% student response is very positive and the results of post-test students in experiment class 2 shows 100% good value category. From the observations that have been made, obtained an average percentage of student activity above 89.4% which belongs to the good category, while the average ability of teachers in managing learning is 4.45 is very high and 84.81% student responses are very positive.

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