Nirfayanti Nirfayanti, Dedy Setyawan


This study aims to find and describe the effectiveness of geographic-assisted linear programming learning on student learning outcomes of FKIP Muslim University of Maros viewed from 3 aspects: student learning outcomes, student activities, and student responses. The type of research used was descriptive research with the subject of research FKIP students of Muslim University Maros who were taking linear program courses in the even semester of the academic year 2017/2018. Subjects in this study amounted to 23 people consisting of 2 men and 21 women. The research design used was one shot case study. To obtain the required data then the researcher uses test methods in the form of test results and non-test methods in the form of documentation, questionnaires and observation sheets. Furthermore, the collected data will be analyzed descriptively. The result of the research shows that the learning of geogebra-assisted linear program on students' learning result of FKIP Muslim University Maros was said to be effective. This can be observed from the average value of student learning outcomes after being given treatment of 88,51 was in the high category with the percentage of learning result completeness of 95,65%. In addition, the effectiveness can be seen from activity observation sheet and student response using geogebra software in linear program learning. From the observation sheet it appears that students enthusiastically follow the learning process activity by using the geogebra software that was the average percentage of student activity from 5 categories of observed activity reaches 100%. From the results of student responses also shows the percentage of student response rates were in either category or very good ie reach 100%.

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