Hasrianti Hasrianti, Sukarti Sukarti, Arwansyah Arwansyah, Suhaeni Suhaeni


Body odor in the armpit arises when a person is sweating that supports activity of microbial. One of the archipelago plants that can be utilized to overcome the problem of body odor is durian (Durio zibethinus). Durian contains an activited compound that has potential as an antimicrobial. This study aims to provide scientific information about secondary metabolite content skin of durian portion and its bioactivity antimicrobial test for causes body odor. This research was conducted with several stages of collecting samples, maceration, extraction, phytochemical test, isolation and inoculation of sweat bacteria, gram staining, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) examination and effectivited test extract skin of durian to growth of body odor bacteria. The results showed that the durian skin contains compounds dominant of flavonoid, phenolic, alkaloid, steroid, saponin and a few terpenoid group compounds. The results of isolation, inoculation and identification that cause body odor bacteria in sweat samples showed the presence of bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The content of active compounds in extracts skin of durian is can to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the sweat that causes body odor.

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