Fibri Indira Lisanti, Andi Mangnguntungi Sudirman, Tsamratul'aeni Tsamratul'aeni


The title of this research is activating right and left hemispheres to improve vocabulary mastery for second semester at Cokroaminoto Palopo University.This research is aimed to find out whether or not the activating right and left hemisphere can improve vocabulary mastery for for second semester at Cokroaminoto Palopo University.This research employed quasi experimental research. The population of this research is the second semester at Cokroaminoto Palopo University. The number of population in this research is 72 people. They are divided in two classes. The researchers applied random sampling technique. The first step is researcher randomly selected two classes to decide which are the experimental class and control class. It can be concluded that activating right and left hemispheres can improve the students’ master in vocabulary. It is proved by result of t test found that ,there is no significant pre-test score between experimental class and control class.At the level of significance ttest
value in pre- test between experimental class and control class is (1.08) while t-table is (2.0084), where (1.08<2.0084). it means that the students have the same of prior knowledge. Meanwhile, there is significant post-test score between experimental class and control class. it means that the use of activating right and left hemispheres is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery than who were not.

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