rahmawasiah rahmawasiah, Hishar Mirsam, Eka Sudartik


Rice is an important cereal crops in Indonesia. Rice seed bug was reported as a major pest that caused of empty grains and may potentially cause yield loss. This research was aimed to determine the resistance of some rice varieties against rice seed bug attack. Sampling was carried out on rice crops in the areas of Luwu District, South Sulawesi. Sampling was done by purposive method that based on specific criteria of sample. Rice seed bugs were taken directly by weep-net method. Four of the rice varieties , i.e. Inpari 8, Inpari 4, Cibogo, and Cigeulis were used as seed-test. The attack intensity test of the rice seed bug based on in-vivo test. Seven of the rice seed bugs were inoculated per clump at the end of vegetative phase. The observation parameters included attack intensity, number of grains per panicle, and number of tillers per clump. This research was prepared by using a randomized block design that consists of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were T1= 7 insects per clumps of Inpari 4; T2= 7 insects per clump of Inpari 8; T3= 7 insects per clumps of Cibogo; dan T4= 7 insects per clumps of Cigeulis. The data were analyzed statistically continued by Tukey Test (LSD 5%). The results showed rice varities of Cigeulis has a higher resistance and lowest intensity than others, i.e. 45%. Cigeulis showed the quantity and quality of rice that was the most higher than others.

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